Category: Project

We are restoring elements of the roof, the exterior envelope and front porch, windows and doors, as well as the first floor's Council Chambers and dining room.
The Durable Restoration Company is currently replacing the two damaged spires at First Presbyterian Church.
The Durable Restoration Company will restore the stone's exterior using historically appropriate mortar, preventing any further water infiltration, restoring the building's magnificent exterior.
Biloxi, Mississippi at sunset
We cleaned the existing brickwork and removed partial or damaged bricks. For repairs, we used a combination of brick salvaged from the site and new brick approved by the project's architect, as well as historically accurate mortar.
Modeled after its twin monument in Dayton, OH, Durable Restoration crewman were able to reconstruct the angel's broken hands and make repairs to the damaged face and wing.
We installed over a dozen steel beams and plates, along with over 1,600 engineered fasteners to strengthen the wall that supports the largest pipe organ in the state of Ohio. We will also repair the water damaged frescos, plaster columns, and plaster ceiling.
The Durable Restoration Company is undertaking a full exterior restoration of the front façade and two steeples of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
For 88 State Circle, we removed the damaged mortar, replaced it with historically correct lime mortar, cut the joint to match the original brick, and patched any damaged brick.
The scope of work for this project included masonry spot pointing throughout, wood repair and replacement, and a new coat of paint on exterior elements.
Annaburg Manor’s distinctive colors and ornate details will be a crowning achievement for DRC and a beautiful new social center for the city of Manassas, Virginia.