Historic Hardscapes

The choice of preserving historic hardscapes in restoration projects helps restore the original detailing and historic appropriateness of that structure. When utilized properly the many methods of patching and repairing historic masonry can bring the uniqueness of the structures history back to its prime.
Careers in Historic Preservation
St. Charles Presbyterian, New Orleans, Louisiana
There is a wide variety of historic hardscapes that we take on in our restoration projects, this includes; Stone patching of marble, limestone, sandstone, granite, terracotta, and brick; masonry restoration, brick and stone repointing/tuckpointing.

Proper handling of historic hardscapes is important because if the repair is not prepped correctly it has the possibility of damaging the original material/structure. Also, historically appropriate repair and repointing materials are very important to utilize, as most modern masonry materials are incredibly damaging to historic brick/stone/mortar. Special care is crucial when dealing with any sort of masonry silica dust can be released.
With restoring historic hardscapes there are several techniques that can be utilized depending on the type of damage in the hardscape itself. This is why it is extremely important to properly assess and diagnose the situation prior to beginning work. Doing so will ensure the hardscape repair will last as long as the hardscape.
Bishops Table (Example 2, straightened)
Bishop's Table, Maysville, KY
Bishops Table (Example 1, straightened)
Turtle Pond, Wright-Patterson, Dayton, OH

Featured Project:

Steeple Square, Dubuque, IA
close up of steeple square in dubuque, ia
john chan gary howes accepting IFD award for steeple square
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