Godfrey Miller Home and Fellowship Center

The Durable Restoration Company will consolidate, fill, and paint the wood elements of the house. In extreme cases of damage, the wood may need to be patched or replaced – but this will only happen if the damage is beyond repair.
front facing picture of godfrey miller center in winchester virginia after durable restoration work has concluded

The Godfrey Miller Home was built in 1785 by Daniel Sowers. It was designed in the Federal style, with a molded cornice, symmetrical sash windows, and a classical porch. In 1812, the Millers purchased the home, and it remained in the family until 1938 – a span of 126 years. The Millers left it to the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, who organized a board of directors that handles its day-to-day management. Through its long life, the home has also been a hospital, a residence for elderly ladies, a fellowship center, and a historic house museum.

While the house is made of stone, most other elements such as the windows, front door, cornice, and porch, are made of wood. Over two centuries of weather and seasonal changes have taken their toll on the Godfrey Miller Home’s wooden components. Deterioration to these elements has a structural as well as an aesthetic effect. These problems must be addressed for the house to function as desired for years to come.

To bring the house back to pristine condition, with complete decoration and a watertight exterior envelope, The Durable Restoration Company will consolidate, fill, and paint the wood elements of the house. In extreme cases of damage, the wood may need to be patched or replaced – but this will only happen if the damage is beyond repair. Our goal is to preserve as much of the original house as possible to be enjoyed by future generations.



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